
Janine Schwindt

Samsara (Private) Limited, Germany.

As European investors, our success in Sri Lanka depends highly on a knowledgeable and reliable consultant because we are not familiar with the business procedures and culture of this country.

Not only does the DPR team always provide useful advice in financial and tax matters but it can also rely on a strong network of other service providers such as lawyers etc. so any administrative or legal uncertainty factor can be resolved quickly and efficiently.

Ador Bitaraf

Broom Lanka (Pvt) Limited, Japan.

DPR team were very punctual and reliable from the start to end. They kindly consulted and supported us in our operation in Sri Lanka as we were new to this country and not custom to its business culture. Overall, we were satisfied with their service its cost effectiveness.



Your sound advice always help me to make my decision regarding tax/ investment in Sri Lanka. I will continue to use your service in future. Your new web page is impressive.

Narcis C. Soldevila

Chairman,Putus Brothers Sustainable Developments (Pvt) Limited, Barcelona, Spain.

As an European investor, I had to change twice to find the support I was looking for. DPR has the knowledge, skills and a high degree of responsibility that make me feel confident that not only my organisation will fulfil all legal and administrative requirements, but that everything will be done in the most cost-effective way.